Easter Day we spent going to church and enjoying the morning there. We didn't do an Easter Basket this year, not because I am against it, but just because with camping and all it just didn't happen. Plus with Davey not even being a year I felt he would be just fine without one this year. We are still trying to decide exactly how we are going to incorporate the whole Easter Bunny idea. Growing up I never believed in the Easter Bunny, but we still had Easter baskets and egg hunts, but they took place on Saturday instead of Sunday. I think maybe I will keep this tradition going, but we will see what happens next year. But for this year, we kept it simple. After church, we came home and attempted to take some family photos and then we went to a Charlotte park where we grilled some yummy food and spent a peaceful afternoon. I really love being outdoors, it is where I feel such a wonderful peace and love of our Heavenly Father. I don't believe that you can deny God's hand when you see all the amazing things He made for us. What better than to spend an Easter Sunday outside enjoying the earth that He created just for us! It really was a blessed day!