Sunday, April 15, 2012

Davey 10 Month Old

Davey is 10 months. He is currently 23.5 lbs and is getting very very active. He is crawling everywhere and no longer does the army crawl but is up on all fours. He pulls himself up to everything and I am pretty sure he will be walking very soon. He gets into drawers and cabinets and pretty much everything, the dishwasher, the cereal cabinet, etc:) He also learned how to climb stairs, although he hasn't really mastered how to climb down yet, luckily I have a door I can shut to close off the stairs. Our shower has a swing door on it, and for some reason this is his favorite place to go. For a few days straight he kept disappearing and I kept finding him in the shower just chilling on the shower floor. He climbed in while I was washing my hair one day clothes and all, as you can tell in the picture he is wet and happy! So now I have to keep all the doors shut to keep him out. He is so fast and gets around without a problem. You look the other way for one minute and he is into something new! He still loves his baths and loves being outside. This last week Doug was out of town all week and when he came back Davey started waving to him. He has been moving his hand around for a few weeks, but I never realized he was trying to wave (what a horrible mommy I am). It was very cute though. Glad Daddy was able to see one of his firsts. He loves to press his face against the glass door and make funny faces. He will make a funny face and then laugh at himself. I love that he is such a happy baby! I can already tell we are going to have lots of fun times ahead of us! He is very talkative! He says Mamma all the time, and he has said Dadda as well, but Doug has yet to hear him say that. He pretty much babbles all day long. He loves food again and is such a great eater. He also loves to dance. Whenever he hears music he starts dancing his little dance. We were out front a few weeks ago and there was a car driving down the road that had some loud music. You know the kind, the ones that you can hear a mile away, going ba boom, ba boom. Well Davey heard the beat and started dancing to it. It just cracked me up. It made me remember all the stories I have heard of Doug's own car music being heard a mile away. He is for sure his daddy's son! I have had so much fun with him this last month. Today was another reminder of how precious he is. He woke up so happy and kept me laughing all day. I loved spending the day with him. His laugh is infectious. You can't help but laugh with him.

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