Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy 3 Month Birthday to my little Sweetie Pie

David is 3 months old today! Of course as a mother I have to brag about the fact that I have the best baby in the whole world!!! All in all he really is such a sweet baby. He is now at 17 lbs and 15 oz and 26+ inches long (he wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a good measurement). He is what we call large and in charge of our little household.

Laughs and smiles lots
Likes to hold onto our fingers and stand
Likes his play mat and kicks and moves lots
Likes songs, his favorite right now is The Wheels on the Bus
Likes walks and car rides
Likes books
Loves Loves Loves his bath time
Likes to stay up late
Doesn't care for nap time too much
Still spits up lots

He is growing up so fast and doing so many new things. I can't believe how active he is and I am a little scared of what is going to happen when he starts to walk. But I am so grateful I get to stay home with him and experience all of his firsts.

*He loves to smile but of course as we were taking pictures today we weren't quick enough with the camera to capture it. But I still think he looks too cute!!!


  1. #1 I didn't know you guys had a blog. I'm excited I can see how everything is going through the blog world
    #2 Your little guy, or should I say big guy is so cute! He has changed so much. I'm sad I don't get to see him grow up! Glad you are loving being a mom!

  2. He is one cute chunky monkey!!
